
Powermanagement isn't only suspend2ram! There are also other things!

What are the hardware problems in GTA01, preventing it from using it as a

* Nicolas Linkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [10-01-08 10:47]:
> Hi,
> I sent this to FIC:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> before I do that [send my device back to FIC and exchange it], 
> I'll need to find out the following:
> Question:
> "I have been following the improving power management conversation on
> the IRC logs and on this list but am still not clear if it is only a
> software problem (suspend issues, devices not shutting off when being
> closed
> etc.)or there are Major hardware issues involved (I am talking about the
> Gta1 devices not FreeRunner). Could someone from OM or FIC clarify
> this?"
> Answer:
> "I am not from fic or OM, but from what I can tell (I developed the Neo 
> parts of Qtopia), power management issues are hardware related, 
> otherwise Qtopia would suspend/resume perfectly, as it does on the 
> Greenphone and other handsets Qtopia comes with."
> This appeared yesterday/today on one of the the OpenMoko mailing lists
> (Community). IF the answer to the question is correct, then there's no
> need to exchange my phone - it simply won't improve then. But IF that is
> the case, then I would like to give my phone back. 
> Hope someone from FIC can clear this up.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The answer I got:
> "The answer is correct."
> So the GTA01 will in fact never be usable as a phone. Too bad. And some
> EUR 300,00 wasted ...

Tim Niemeyer

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