> I think that we all agree here that the patent system is completely broken.
> By filling patent, even for defense only, you are playing the rule.
> What I've seen so far is that small companies that cannot afford a lawyer
> department simply choose to ignore the rules and just ignore completely the
> patent system. In the essence of the law, as long as you don't obviously
> *stole* an idea, you 've nothing to fear. But the system has becomed crazy
> when you can infringe a patent without even knowing it. That's completly
> wrong with the moral behing patent itself !
> Have you already tried to fill a patent ? Have you tried to make a study on
> prior art ?
> I did for a few weeks and I didn't succeed. All is patented ! All,
> completely ! Patents are as general as possible and cover everything you
> could believe. It's nearly patents for "things" that do "stuffs".
> So whatever you do, you could be sued.
> I don't know the ressources of OpenMoko but patenting, writing and
> submitting is a full-time job ! It would be shame (IMHO) to waste ressources
> in this way. More : you have to fill the patents in different countries !!!
> As OpenMoko does Free software, doing this, even for defensive purpose, will
> have a terrible PR impact in the Free Softwware community. You have the
> opportunity to just move, to ignore those silly things and to build
> something new.
> On the other hand, if you are under a patent attack without any patents, I
> think that the Free Software Fundation gives legal help in that kind of
> case.
> I really hope that OpenMoko will not be covered by any patents. (but I'm
> sure that there's a patent for a device allowing wireless communication
> somewhere)

I totally agree with Lionel here. It will be bad PR wise and it's very 
difficult to
enforce. Openmoko hardware and software are already covered by copyright, and I 
think a
patent doesn't add any protection. Even if parts will be covered by a patent, 
are that some smart company can circumvent it by making small 

Besides, what's there to patent? If I understand correctly, anything that's 
(or available publicly) before the patent cannot be patented anymore, so that 
include all openmoko software up to today, the CAD design for the casing, ideas 
on the
wiki etc.


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