On 3/15/08 Mark Haury wrote:
Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at gmail.com wrote on Fri Mar 14 22:01:43 CET 2008
> First speaking about Neo being not open, it's funny to advertise a
> device with lots of proprietary software and problematic, very closed
> pieces of hardware, preventing any theoretical free software
> distribution to be actually usable on the device. And regarding out of > the box functionality, it plays none of digital music I have since the
> vendor refuses to support free/open media formats, even actively
> fighting against them.
> I don't think there's currently a competitor on sight to Neo phones on
> openness, though of course things could always get improved. My pet
> peeve would be to work on i18n and open up mailing list to
> translators, but I guess it's again a bit later on :)
> -Timo

...and the Neo *is* fully open? What about the graphics module, the gps module, and the gsm module? You may get some I/O specs, but the modules themselves will never be open. They won't even release the CAD files for the case in their original form...

The CAD files here:


Are _exactly_ the files that we use (and will use) for Mass Production. Please let me know where you found this inaccuate information so we can correct it.

Or is this just your opinion?


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