Awesome update both in progress and content!  I realize that you are
right in the middle of the crossfire and probably get a lot of flack for
things that are mostly out of your control.

I put in one email yesterday why I think people get frustrated with the
lack of hardware updates.  Its because they are given so much insight on
the software side of things, but comparatively little on the hardware
side of things.  Combine that with the fact that (to an extent) any work
effort they put into the software can't fully be realized until the
hardware is completed.  So it definitely puts FIC into an
interesting/unique spot.  They (from a manufacturing standpoint)
probably give out more internal info than most companies, but the above
scenario makes it "feel" like they are being even more tight lipped.

Keep up the good work!


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: List for OpenMoko community discussion
To: List for OpenMoko community discussion
<>, steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Neo Freerunner manufacturing status
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:55:29 -0700

Hi everyone,

I just received a status report from our VP of Marketing, Steve Mosher:

The Freerunner design is currently staged to go through Production
Validation Test (PVT). The hardware design A5 is, we believe, solid. We 
are updating this design to A6 to maximize production yields.

The purpose of PVT is to make sure the yield is high enough, and to make 
sure the manufacturing and testing process is smooth and efficient.

Steve also welcomes direct contact from you. He can be reached at 


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