Michele Renda skrev:
Sorry for delay :)

I to solve this problem you can delete all the *.jffs2 and *.bin files from you qemu-neo1973/openmoko directory.

Then to launch another time the openmoko/download.sh script.

This issue is generated by an wrong image sorting, that put you to use an old image with a new svn version of the software. It made me crazy :)

Ps. Don't forget to make a "svn update" before to download :)

Alexander Frøyseth wrote:
Michele Renda skrev:
Alexander Frøyseth wrote:
Can you send a link to the image?
I use the qemu image available using:

svn checkout https://svn.openmoko.org/trunk/src/host/qemu-neo1973

then making openmoko/download.sh it download the openmoko image.

I undestand that to have an Freerunner emulator I have to apply the /openmoko/linux-gta02-pseudo.patch

It is right?

Openmoko community mailing list
I get an error message when I rune openmoko/flash.sh

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/qemu-neo1973$ ./openmoko/flash.sh
make: `splash.gz' is up to date.
Using 'uImage-2.6.24+svnr4301-r4251-r5-om-gta01.bin' as the kernel image. Using 'Openmoko-openmoko-devel-image-glibc-ipk-P1-Snapshot-20080406-om-gta01.rootfs.jffs2' as the root filesystem image. Using 'u-boot-gta01bv4-1.3.1+svnr4297+gitb29661fc1151077776454288051bc9a488351ce8-r3.bin' as bootloader.
# Making an empty/erased flash image.  Need a correct echo behavior.
echo -en \\0377\\0377\\0377\\0377\\0377\\0377\\0377\\0377 > .8b
cat .8b .8b > .16b # OOB is 16 bytes
cat .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b > .512b
cat .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b >> .512b
cat .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b >> .512b
cat .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b .16b >> .512b
cat .512b .16b > .sec # A sector is 512 bytes of data + OOB
cat .sec .sec .sec .sec .sec .sec .sec .sec > .8sec
cat .8sec .8sec .8sec .8sec .8sec .8sec .8sec .8sec > .64sec
cat .64sec .64sec .64sec .64sec .64sec .64sec .64sec .64sec > .512sec
cat .512sec .512sec .512sec .512sec > .2ksec
cat .2ksec .2ksec .2ksec .2ksec .2ksec .2ksec .2ksec .2ksec > .16ksec
# Neo NAND is 128k sectors big
cat .16ksec .16ksec .16ksec .16ksec .16ksec .16ksec .16ksec .16ksec > openmoko-flash.base
rm -rf .8b .16b .512b .sec .8sec .64sec .512sec .2ksec .16ksec
./openmoko/flash.sh: line 80: /home/alectbm/qemu-neo1973/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm: No such file or directory
Please wait, programming the NAND flash...

U-boot failed to finish writing in 300 seconds, giving up.

Any idea to a solution?

Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list
I found out of it now.
but how do I transfere files to det image?
Can I do that at all?

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