both the GTA01 and GTA02 zip files have those .1 extensions inside. The files were created independently (GTA01 by me, GTA02 by Will). There is nothing duplicate in the zip file, everything has .1 extensions. I would be careful about renaming file extensions without checking in Pro/E whether the result still opens.

Plus, why rename anything in the first place? This stuff works under Pro/E, it is the original file format Pro/E saves in, including the extension.
I wouldn't touch it.

On Apr 10, 2008, at 2:25 AM, Michael Shiloh wrote:

It's a packaging problem. I think whoever created the original zip file must have had the files twice, so the second copy got the .1 extension.

I'll fix that when I get a chance. Meanwhile, simply rename it to remove the .1 extension:

        mv gtc02-msh01.prt.1 gtc02-msh01.prt

or whatever is suitable for the OS your using.

Let me know if this doesn't solve your problem.


christooss wrote:
I have downloaded SolidWorks package from the page. The problem I see is all files have .1 on the end of a name. Example
Is this my problem or packaging problem?
Tnx for anwser
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