Sven Klomp wrote:

> On Thursday 10 April 2008 10:19:22 Didier Raboud wrote:
>> Sven Klomp wrote:
>> > On Thursday 10 April 2008 01:17:51 Denis wrote:
>> >> Centralized database is evil. I'm going to use my own server for
>> >> tracking my Neo. I think it's the only way to keep privacy.
>> > 
>> > I don't know if it was already mentioned, but encryption of the GPS
>> > data might be a solution to keep privacy.
>> > 
>> > Sven
>> This doesn't solve it all...
>> Let's assume that the decryption key is given to the user with its Neo.
>> It sill means that Openmoko created that key (and thus knows it)...
> Hm, I thought about something like GPG: You create a key and put the
> public key on your Freerunner. The Freerunner encrypts the data and sends
> it to the publish server. If you need the data (in case of a stolen/lost
> device, what ever) you download the data and decrypt it on your desktop
> with your private key. OK, applications like "friends next to you" won't
> work...
> Sven

The problem is the reflash... My idea was that any Neo would _by default_
track its coordinates to a central server. This is the only way which would
resist to /default/ reflashing and basic hijacking...

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