More thanks Steve!

I'm glad you guys slimmed down the original packaging, as anything above
~400 becomes very prohibitive (as a work in progress platform) for many

Keep up the great work and thanks for the frequent updates!


* proud GTA01 hacker, GTA02 stalker ;-) *

On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Michele Renda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Steve
> Thank you for the update.
> I think you (you all from openmoko) worked very well, and I am happy to
> know these update.
> According me was a good idea to remove some accessories to cut off the
> price: a lot of person, can not to have too much money to buy for something
> that still they don't know, so I think it is good to interest more persons /
> developer. Who need, can alway to buy the accessory he need.
> I am happy to tell to you that this evening I decided to buy a Freerunner,
> and I hope in a future to be able to produce something for the Openmoko
> comunity.
> Best regards
> Michele Renda
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