I was set up chinese hieroglyphics visibility in my Neo1973 by
downloading SimHei font from this location:


placing this one to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ directory of OpenMoko
file structure and system rebooting.

В Вск, 13/04/2008 в 17:02 +0800, 赵经纬 пишет:
> hi:
>    first thank you for your reply! 
> i run the openmoko on the qemu. and I followed your steps 
> 1,export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
> 2.Entry to /usr/share/Application and modify openmoko-calculator as
> follow:
> Name=Calculator
> Name[fr]=Calculatrice
> Name[it]=Calcolatrice
> Name[ru]=Калькулятор
> Name[sv]=Miniräknare
> Name[zh_CN]=计算器
> Name[zh_TW]=計算機
> Comment=Perform simple calculations
> Comment[ru]=Выполняет простейшие вычисления
> Comment[zh_CN]=执行计算
> Comment[zh_TW]=進行計算
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Version=1.0
> Type=Application
> Exec=openmoko-calculator
> Icon=openmoko-calculator
> Terminal=false
> Categories=GTK;Application;Office
> SingleInstance=true
> StartupNotify=true
> but i can't find some chinese characters on the screen. the icon of
> calculator is still english and don't display 计算器
> under your help, i believe that we can let it display chinese! thanks!
> 2008/4/10, Oleg Sadov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
>         It's possible, but it's not very simple :(
>         We have the same problem with OpenMoko localization in Russia
>         and
>         working for resolving them for Russian (and not only)
>         language.
>         Quick&dirty localization way:
>         1. Setting up of system locale at the beginning of startup
>         script /usr/bin/x-window-manager.
>         For example, Simplified Chinese for Continental China:
>         export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
>         or Traditional Chinese for Taiwan:
>         export LANG=zh_TW.UTF-8
>         2. Append localization strings to desktop files
>         at /usr/share/applications and /usr/share/matchbox/vfolders.
>         For example, changed openmoko-calculator.desktop:
>         [Desktop Entry]
>         Name=Calculator
>         Name[fr]=Calculatrice
>         Name[it]=Calcolatrice
>         Name[ru]=Калькулятор
>         Name[sv]=Miniräknare
>         Name[zh_CN]=计算器
>         Name[zh_TW]=計算機
>         Comment=Perform simple calculations
>         Comment[ru]=Выполняет простейшие вычисления
>         Comment[zh_CN]=执行计算
>         Comment[zh_TW]=進行計算
>         Encoding=UTF-8
>         Version=1.0
>         Type=Application
>         Exec=openmoko-calculator
>         Icon=openmoko-calculator
>         Terminal=false
>         Categories=GTK;Application;Office
>         SingleInstance=true
>         StartupNotify=true
>         Be careful: don't translate Name field in contacts.desktop,
>         openmoko-dates.desktop, openmoko-dialer.desktop and
>         openmoko-messages.desktop. It seems like strange feature (or
>         bug) of
>         openmoko-today, but c'est la vie -- corresponding buttons at
>         main screen
>         will not be clickable :(...
>         3. If stars will have good positions in the sky, you can see
>         chinesefied
>         application descriptions after OpenMoko starting ;).
>         Best wishes!
>         --Oleg
>         В Срд, 09/04/2008 в 19:32 +0800, 赵经纬 пишет:
>         > Hi
>         >  I am an newbi, i want to display the openmoko in chinese
>         not in
>         > english, and run it on qemuarm.
>         > first,i want to know whether we can change the openmoko from
>         english
>         > to chinese ?
>         > next, if we can , how to do?
>         > looking  forward to your reply!
>         >
>         >
>         >
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>         > Openmoko community mailing list
>         > community@lists.openmoko.org
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