I'm in the same position as Bobby. I use my Neo as my primary phone as
well as my digital media player. I haven't touched the lanyard or the
pouch since I took them out of the box.

But I also don't use my stylus. My stylus was neat in the beginning,
because I could use it to play with my cats, but as a functional part
of the Neo I find it a hinderance.

I bring this up because I think it MIGHT be relevant. The Neo doesn't
have a slot for a stylus. In the discussion of what will be an
accessory and what will be part of the package, I think the stylus is
the only one that has an actual impact to the software. If the stylus
is NOT included in the box, the software should be written in a way to
not need it. I'd personally be QUITE happy with this but I'm pretty
sure there are many people who would disagree. But if the software
won't be thumb oriented, the stylus is NOT an accessory.

I like Bobby's idea, the "click here to buy this accessory" but I
think Steve has pretty much ruled that out. Openmoko isn't going to
purchase and stock items without a profit and if it did that, it would
be passing unneeded expense to the customer.

What I think is the most prudent method to take is to have an openmoko
branded "Approved" stamp. This could be community OR vendor initiated.
I know that my iGo charger works without issue on the Neo with the
Check Fast Charge applet. I see no reason that Openmoko couldn't
recommend this on the site once the product goes mainstream. It would
allow the customer to make their own decisions, still leave a TON of
options, let the customer pick the best price and ensure a decently
high level of quality.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 10:33 -0500, Bobby Martin wrote:
>  > I lost the stylus (it's way too cool; if you forget it at a restaurant
>  > or something, you don't get a call asking if you want it back :-)
>  They are $3 a piece w/ shipping included if you take ten.
>  For example this one here:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/10-x-4in1-Red-LASER-Pointer-LED-Torch-PDA-Stylus-PEN_W0QQitemZ220223455957QQihZ012QQ
>  No need to buy another Neo to get a new pen ;-)
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