I talk with friends and co-workers about OpenMoko and the Neo
Freerunner all the time.  Inevitably, they say something like "That's
cool.  Will it work with Verizon?" or "That's cool.  Will it work with
Sprint?".  And of course, the answer is no...  I don't think any of my
friends are with at&t (even though they're supposedly the largest
wireless carrier in the US) or any other GSM provider.  They're all on
Sprint or Verizon.  I myself was originally on Verizon and switched to
at&t solely for the Neo.  But most people aren't willing to do that
(and most are locked into contracts with a $250+ early termination

So, have you considered making a CDMA version of the Neo?  I think
that'd about double your sales in the US.


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