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Too big? Which resolution do you use? 300x200? Ok, with 1920x1200 many things can be too small (specially flash videos and fixed sized hps) but I think this is also in an usual resolution too small.The solution to make it bigger at my browser is not the right way i think. Many people don't have good eyes and they should also can read the menu.

Greetings Bastian

thomasg schrieb:
| Imho they are too big. So I tell my browser to make it smaller. You should do the same :)
| On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Bastian Muck <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
| I like the design and I thing, that the content is much better presented. But could you increase the fontsize of the menus? IMO the old fontsizes of the menus are better readable.
| Great work,
| Bastian
| nickd schrieb:
| | i agree looks great! the side menu works with firefox 3 beta 5 now which is nice too =) (used to be all the way down the bottom for some reason)
| | -nick
| |
| | Brenda Wang wrote:
| |> Hi, all:
| |> Here is the  new  main page of our  wiki.
| |> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Test_main_page
| |> It will switch to Main page soon.
| |> Please feel free to give us your feedback .
| |>
| |> Regards
| |>
| |> Brenda
| |>
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