On Saturday 19 April 2008 20:00:16 Hans L wrote:
> I've been reading a book lately called Getting Things Done(henceforth
> abbreviated as GTD) which basically proposes a strategy for
> organizing/managing your work and life to be more productive with less
> stress.  Instead of me attempting to explain it any more, a summary of
> the ideas behind GTD can be found on the author's website:
> http://www.davidco.com/what_is_gtd.php
> and a wikipedia entry for good measure ;-)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done

The Omni Group has such an application for MacOS X, it's called omnifocus

Concidentally (is that a word?), omnifocus will be their first iPhone 

> I'm still working on fully implementing these ideas (been setting up
> my filing/reference system lately), but it seems to me a device
> running Openmoko would be the perfect place to do much of this
> organizing/planning/management.  And while I'm certainly not holding
> out for my Freerunner before trying these methods, I do think it could
> make a great addition to this system.
> So I've basically been thinking, what would the ideal("killer")
> application for GTD look like?  Since I'm still a newbie to GTD, it's
> not even completely clear to me what this app should be.  What
> specific features would be required? Are there currently any
> applications for Openmoko that come close?  Would it be good to start
> a project for a GTD-specifc app?

I think such an application needs special care so it doesn't get "in your 
way", but rather fully supports you. It also needs to be interconnected with 
other tools, i.e. the calendar, the phonebook, the agenda.

> I will explain some of the ideas I have in mind, but hopefully some
> other people on this list have read the book and been using this
> system for a while and they can chime in with some more input.
> One thing that I think is emphasized in the book is that whatever
> implementation you use for GTD, it should strive to be simple and even
> fun to use, because you want to make a habit of using it and staying
> organized, rather than finding yourself loathing and avoiding it.
> I can think of at least two main things that could be useful for GTD
> on Openmoko:
> 1) Calendar reminders (this is already available in Openmoko from what
> I've read :-D )
> 2) Lists: specifically *Context Sensitive* Lists
> It seems large part of GTD is simply about making lists:
> One aspect is listing all projects you are committed to, and defining
> the next action steps required to push each project towards
> completion.

Sounds good.

I'd love to see something like that on the Neo.


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