Dear Ron/Community:

This confusion comes from time latency of series of events, but no matter A5 or A6 should all apply the LED transistor change.

I already update all the changes that shipping A5 will apply.

If your A5 don't have these changes, either you are lucky prototype users, or pure sample sent by sales.

The full event time line like this:

2008 Early March: Werner/Andy found this potential LED leakage issue under some LED ON power scheme

2008 Mid/Late March: Allen_Chang try several transistor vendors, to replace original transistor, during this time DVT4 units are produced without apply this change

2008 Early April: Finally transistor vendor provide 200 pcs transistor for experiment, Allen and Willie/Miles verified that this transistor could work on boards and fits our production software/process. So this components was approved. But due to quantiles limit, the same time PVT1 and PVT2 pre_MP units don't _All_ apply these changes.

As I known, all the PVT and pre-MP units will ship back Taipei for RD usage and sample, won't ship to customers.

Tony Tu

Ron K. Jeffries wrote:
OpenMoko team:

It's crazy to consider shipping the GTA02v5 without the rework
to solve the current leakage issue.

Yes, people are REALLY anxious to get this phone. But shipping
a few thousand of units that do not meet spec on standby time
is a Bad Idea.

pull up your socks and do the rework
if that delays launch by 30 days so be it.
besides the firmware will be better by then as well. ;)

-ron jeffries.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Shawn Rutledge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: "List for Openmoko community discussion" < <>>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:30:59 -0700
Subject: Re: Freerunner will be GTA02v5 or GTA02v6? (was: Fwd: Future Button and LED software spec)
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Flemming Richter Mikkelsen
> It sounds to me as the problem is easy for those of us that knows a little
 > electronics. If I get one that leaks current, I will start soldering!
> Does anybody know if the fix Werner is talking about, will be done for all > GTA02v5 PCB's? If it really will be a fix for it, it will not be any problem
 > at all.

Yes maybe it can be fixed.  But is the fix documented yet?

Another way to look at it: if the fix can be done without a PCB
change, then why not get the factory to do the rework (swapping
transistors or whatever) before they are shipped?  How much would it
cost to get that done in China?

Ron K. Jeffries


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