On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:14 PM, Crane, Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  "Free your phone, and the mind will follow"

Aaargh... we'll all turn insane !!!
No, seriously, not a bad idea..

>  Or "Hello Moko" just for fun, to see how long motorolla's legal
>  department takes to send a cease and desist letter.

We coudl place bet's :D

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:14 PM, Philippe Guillebert
> ramsesoriginal wrote:
> > Following Michaels request for a homepage for the photos, I stumbled
> > upon two simple questions:
> > 1) Do we have soem sort of motto (like "Hello Moto", "Connecting People",
> ...)
> > 2) Is there an official Openmoko sound set? Systems sounds, but maybe
> > even a specific song or something? This could also be useful for ads,
> > or for branding, and so on.
> >
> > Has anyone got some input?
> >
> >
> >
>  Hello,
>  The answer is here :
> http://people.openmoko.org/sean/files/openmoko_trademark.pdf

Huh.. cool! This answers soem of my questions!

>  "Open. Mobile. Free" or "Free your Phone" are part of official branding,
> there is also typographic and graphic rules for a good communication.

That's great! as far as I understood it, the motto of Openmoko in
general is "Open. Mobile. Free" (great motto) and "Free your Phone" is
the motto for the Neo

>  Logos file and other stuff can be found here :
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Trademark_Policy#Trademark_Policy

Great ressource..

>  I've seen icon sets on the wiki somewhere, nothing about sound though.
>  Hope this helps

Shure thing, thanks!

My corner of the web: http://blog.ramsesoriginal.org

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