Just curious how the gfx chip ended up sharing the same bus as the sd-slot? How 
slow would a video be on this device? Ie. Would a downcoded video be watchable 
since the freerunner has more available memory and cpu power available to do 
software decoding? 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Stirling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 16:54:02 
To:List for Openmoko community discussion <community@lists.openmoko.org>
Subject: Re: Video of Qt 4.4 on Neo1973: brings iPhone like graphics

James Olney wrote:
> looks nice, obviously the freerunner with it's improved hardware and
> grfx chip will really start to shine.

Unfortunately, not quite obviously.
For example, the memory bus bandwidth to the GPU is some 7M/s, compared 
to 60+M/s for the GTA01, and the 3D hardware will not have drivers.

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