On 4/24/08, Christ van Willegen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Flemming Richter Mikkelsen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 4/24/08, Christ van Willegen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > Hi,
> >  >
> >  > >  We will ship the Freerunner to Norway for 45,-- Euro. No matter how
> >  > >  many Freerunner. Shipping via UPS. Insured transport."
> >  > >
> >  > >  This means that each Freerunner would cost $60 more from TRIsoft 
> > compared
> >  > >  with OM. This means I would pay 1200 USD more if I order two 10-packs 
> > from
> >  > >  TRIsoft.
> >  >
> >  > _OR_ they could mean that they ship 1 FreeRunner for $60 and also 10
> >  > FreeRunners for $60...
> >  >
> >  > All I say is that they aren't clear in their mail, it can be read both 
> > ways.
> >
> >  Sorry. I was not clear. Only the text in double quotes (") are from the 
> > e-mail
> >  they sent me.
> That still can mean 2 things...
> >  Did you mean the 45 euros? The $60 is numbers I calculated and was _not_
> >  in the e-mail from TRIsoft.
> Yes, I meant that 45euro shipping costs is about $60 (and so did you).


264,70 Euro - (399 - 10%) USD = 60 USD

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