Am Mon, 28 Apr 2008 17:03:38 +0200
schrieb Dirk Deimeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> just a question.
> Do you think that it makes sense to put the distribution questions to
> a new mailing list?
What a great idea. Maybe I'm to uncommunicative but I'm tired of
marking group order threads and "what colour do i like" questions as
read. At least I found a missing feature in claws: mark folded threats
read ;-)

I think the wiki would be the best place to arrange group orders and
form groups (which might exists after anyone got it's neo-- Steve's
intention to spent some goodies?). The real buying process is neither
done on the mailing list nor the wiki so there is no disadvantage.

Sorry, if anyone feels offended, just my onion pin and 2 cents


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