Hi all,
although I am jumping in the middle of the discussion, I think I have some valuable contributions
to bridge the engineering, marketing and community points of views.

Am 29.04.2008 um 20:03 schrieb Flemming Richter Mikkelsen:

On 4/29/08, Lowell Higley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I think of marketing I think of Apple and Google. Apple is for some
specific group of people while Google manage to reach all. Why?

This raises

Question 1: why don't we think of "Openmoko"?

It is not because Google is free. Try to compare OpenOffice with m$ office. M$ office gets its users because it's pushed on us (huge availability and
commenly known).

Google engineered what the market requested. They found out what
people wanted and how to give it to them. I remember that I started using

Question 2 (already asked by Lowell): which market requirements did Openmoko find
by focus groups?

BTW: There are Mobile Phone market studies for approx. 5000$ which make
predictions for the next 5 years. Nonsense? No. I did read and compare in 2005
the Strategy Analytics study from 2001 and it was quite accurately
predicting camera phones, smartphones, MP3 players, typical screen sizes etc.
Which all were quite rare in 2001.

Well, such a study never goes down to the level that the 2003 study did predict
the iPhone or Openmoko to come in 2007:)

But they can predict technological platforms to come.
I.e. 256MB RAM, 600MHz processor, VGA display. Comparing that with a
2001 Desktop PC gives an indication that 2008 is the year of originally
Desktop OS platforms to be mobilized.

IMHO using a community to discuss and reinvent the same things is a good approach,
but can't replace solid studies by specialists.

So defining the next generation product is not necessarily a community process.

Question 3: is the Openmoko project aware of these studies and using them?

the search engine because someone recommended it to me. This was many
years ago... other people recommended me other search engines. Some
might be better, but Google is good enough so I do not change right now.

I have no idea about marketing, but I like Steve's idea about open
marketing. If we show the phone to many people, some of them might get
interested. I started using Linux because a friend of me told me about it.

Marketing has two aspects:

a) Market knowledge/intelligence, i.e. who are the customers, what do they want, how can we achieve that. This is the question about "Engineering vs. Community driven".

b) Market communication: this is making the market aware of the products

As someone who observes this project since it became public in November 2006, Openmoko did have a great start by the initial announcements and got a lot of
press coverage, because it was

* unknown
* different (the openness approach)
* announced first products for February 2007

The reason why there was so much coverage is simple:

There had been rumours of an iPhone by end of 2006. And everyone thought that there is someone
coming around the corner who is better and even faster than Apple.

Now, let's compare what potential customers find if they research what they find in
the Internet:

* great start (termed the "iPhone killer")
* but delayed product delivery and not yet finished (software)
* Openmoko did a really good job in showing and explaining the device on many conferences
* iPhone has sold millions
* iPhone is also Open (to a reasonable extent) and it is very easy to switch from Linux development to OSX

So, the initial impression of being fast could not at all be hold. Unfortunately this is the notion that many "multipliers", i.e. magazines and gazettes have. If they now will get the press release that the Freerunner is being shipped, who will print this message? Financial Times?

They live from talking about the new and unexpected. The heroes. Here we are back to Apple Marketing.
They celebrate their products, announcements and achievements as heroes.

Quesion 4: how can we change that?

Answer: we can't change the past. So, we have to change the future.

Question 5: What must be improved?

Perhaps Openmoko device delivery must be faster. I know that all of you are now crying that we all need to have a 110% perfect hardware. But the price we pay for this is that devices are coming later and this adds up to low interest
by people who are *not* interested in the platform per se.

And, there must be hero stories for the gazettes. Isn't there anyone who was in a critical situation and could get help only because he/she did have an Openmoko?

If Openmoko should get out to x million people, I think we all need to work
together. Remember it is in our own interest to make Openmoko survive.
Showing off the phone would make a difference. If we want to show

I had shown the Neo to many people and was astonished how many did already know it. Nevertheless many of them would not change their current phone for
a Neo. So there are two aspects to separate here:

* market visibility
* product attractiveness

something to non-hackers, we (the community) needs to develop a a lot
of nice software, so that people say "Wow! I want that feature!".

I remember my friend told me that he don't care about what his phone
is able to do, as long as it is slim, long battery capacity and that he is
able to send/receive calls/SMS. Now I wonder, which features would
be so valuable that he would not care about the physical design? If the phone was also a nitendo wii? Well, then it is up to us, the community,
to implement software that makes the phone work as a nitendo wii.
Only this way will garantee success.

Yes, 100% agreed.

It also shows a crucial point: most people are happy with what they
already have! This shows how difficult it is to create something that
people want to have because they see a benefit.

Question 6: which features does, can, will the Openmoko have which
other devices (with perhaps more attractive design) don't?

Lack of features in hardware (e.g. camera) must be compensated for in
software (e.g. image drawing programs and support for sending/ receiving

If Openmoko survives, we could get more open firmware and GPL'ed
drivers. If Openmoko gets 1% of the mobile market, they can start to
push companies into GPL.

Hm. Marketing has the notion of "creating Market pull". If you must push
your product into a market, you have not done your basic homework (i.e.
find out what the user needs and what those who can help to bring a product to the market, i.e. network operators). Did Google or Apple or Amazon or eBay ever "push" themselves into the market? They did have superior products in an early

Question 7: How can the Openmoko create market pull beyond this community?


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