Steven ** wrote:
> Myself and several others cannot reach the wiki.
> gives a 404 error (it redirects to
> which is Not Found)
> redirects to

hi steven.

sorry for any inconvenience.

we did a major mediawiki version update today in combination to some
server restructuring and it seems some dns servers are still not in
sync. unfortunately these are the ones between us and you, so it could
take a few minutes to some hours till they refresh the caches.

the switch is done and everything works as expected, and it will for you
too as soon as these caches are all refreshed.

we decided against letting the old installation keep running not to
confuse people 'where their edits are gone' or 'accounts vanishing'.

for a quick fix you could add "" to your
/etc/hosts for today. tomorrow/later everything will be fine by itself. ;)

kind regards


Joachim Steiger
Openmoko Central Services

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