That's something I thought some time ago,
but it was not possible 'couse there are
too many possible hardware combinations.
But we don't have that on the Freerunner.

It would be nice to add to the description
of every package, app or update the time it
take to install it. I mean, we can calculate
the time it takes to download from the spped
of the connection, and we ask the developers
to add the times it takes to install to the
description of the software, or even devel an
app wich times it. Perhaps also could show
and/or  share that data.

Just a thought.

Happy waiting.


- Un mundo mejor es posible .

Bu we don't have that on te Freerunner

ian douglas escribió:
Mo Abrahams wrote:
How about it downloads the updates whenever wifi is available (battery
or not), and then (if set to update automatically) updates once plugged
in to charge, and if set to manual requires battery power to be above a
certain percentage.

I'd say that if GSM downloads are going to be slow, then downloads should also occur if the phone is plugged into a PC and network bridging is set up -- not everyone will have a wifi router.

Since the updates will require a certain amount of time and battery power, the update should only happen once the battery power is above a certain level whether plugged in for charging or not.

For example, if the battery was completely drained, and the user plugs it into a PC, if the charger can't keep up with the drain of installing updates, then updates shouldn't happen just because it's plugged into a charger.



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