Bastian Muck schrieb:
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That's very interresting. The site sais:
"Dash includes maps for the United States (Continental US, Hawaii and Alaska) only. It will not work in Canada, Mexico, Europe or any location outside the United States." Since when are Canada, Mexico and Europe in the United States? I thought I would live far away from the USA (Germany). ;-)

equaly weird when you have a flight from Europe (Germany) to Canada (Vancouver) and you have to change planes in Chicago. Canada is listed as a national departure not international... So I have get off the international arrivals and get through the customs to check in to US??? my globe recently said Canada and US were two different nations ;-)

anyway back to Topic.

the Dash is really an impressive gadget. Id like to have one or at least see some process in implementing routing with openstreetmap vector data.

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