Actually, implementing a railgun would probably be feasible as long as
the projectile weight and powerload is taken into consideration. I'm
not sure if the battery can handle multiple +1 gram projectiles though.
And not to mention the need for a new chasis with space for a PCB
with series of capasitors as I suspect the chemical battery can't
deliver the necessary Ampere during the short time the projectile spends
accelerating on the rails. ^_^

Would be cool in an extremely geekyness way. What's next, a
freerunner chasis that doubles as a tesla coil?

PS. Tesla coils are way cool, with a sufficent _high_ voltage it's even
possible to use your body/hands/fingers as a tesla coil. Imagine using
your body as a electric resonance cavity and then letting the lightning
play between your fingers and your hands. Now add a mad scientist
laugh while wearing a laboratory coat. ;)

Completely OT? You bet I am! :P

Heikki Soerum.

PS. Go read about what Tesla did with electricity.. It will blow your

Den Sat, 17 May 2008 20:07:56 +0200
Daniel Selinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev:

> On Sat, 17 May 2008 17:21:20 +0200
> "Erland Lewin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > A 3 axis magnetometer (compass) would also be a cool thing to have
> > on the phone.
> I vote for a railgun ^^
> sry :>

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