-----Original Message-----
From: "rakshat hooja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: community@lists.openmoko.org
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 18:17:03 +0530
Subject: Qtopia Vs. GTK or both?
> I am not to sure how many  people have seen the Neo software stack diagram
> on the wiki but after looking at it there really should not be a GTK Vs
> Qtopia argument any more. But I do wonder how Android fits in?
As for me, I'm preferring to have both GTK and QT based apps on board.Both 
suites have cool apps.So, on desktop system I use best apps from both 
suites.Dunno see strong reasons why this can't happen on mobile 
devices.Furthermore, Nokia goes this way with their n8x0 tablets and as a 
device owner I like this step.

P.S. as far as I understand, Android just a java-based crap which ONLY uses 
Linux as low-level engine, without any native apps or UI frameworks like QT or 
GTK.Hence it is pretty useless that it runs Linux and I see no real reasons why 
Android will be better than "dumb dialers" running proprietary OS + J2ME on 
top.Linux has quite little use if there will be no real fully-featured apps to 
use it's power and Dalvik VM is actually, proprietary.From another side, being 
able to run Android\J2ME apps in addition to lightweight, fast and featured 
native apps is a benefit which can turn device into a powerful competitor on 
"smart phones" market.

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