And I thought I read somewhere in wiki that the touchscreen would be similar
if not same to the ones having multi-touch sensing "support" (which can be
programmed to support multi-touch at some point of time). With your
statement I can't decide if I'm shocked or sad (maybe both) :(

Rahul J

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Bastian Muck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> No, the problem ist that the Freerunner does not have a multitouch display.
> Some developers just try to make one out of it :-)
> Rahul Joshi schrieb:
> | If I am to understand this thread discussion correctly, does it mean
> there is no public algo for multi-point touch sensing yet??
> | With so much of work done on projects like MS Surface, iPhone, the Jeff
> Han stuff.. and recently HTC Diamond, I took it for granted that it must
> already be there among the large resource pool of opensource developers.
> |
> | Rahul J
> |
> |
> | On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Ben Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> |
> |     On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Joerg Reisenweber <
> |     > Am Do  29. Mai 2008 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:
> |     >> Hi Joerg,
> |     >> as it seems that my mail did not reach the community list (I am
> not a
> |     > subscriber, just monitoring the archives) may I ask you directly
> the question
> |     > regarding "multi tutch" :-) . See below:
> |     >>
> |     >>
> |     >> Hi all,
> |     >> if the geometric average point is returned if multiple points are
> touched
> |     > wouldn't it be possible to have a fake multi touch, e.g., by doing
> the
> |     > following:
> |     >>
> |     >> Press point A
> |     >> -> Vector A is returned
> |     >> Additionally press desired point B
> |     >> -> X = (A+B)/2 is returned
> |     >> -> calculate B = 2*X-A
> |     >>
> |     >> Questions:
> |     >> Would this be managable?
> |     >> What time difference would be required between first and second
> (and
> |     > third ...) touch, to recognize such a multi-touch action and
> reliable
> |     > distinguish it from a single touch at position X?
> |     >>
> |     >> And one more comment: If that would work you could also detect
> multi-touch
> |     > gestures (even if limited), e.g., use the first point statically
> (maybe a
> |     > focus centre) and handle the second point dynamically (maybe for
> zooming in
> |     > and out).
> |     >>
> |     >>
> |     >> Boris
> |     >
> |     >
> |     > there are two resistors in the touchpad, one for X and one for Y.
> We only see
> |     > them changing on a touch, thus giving us the coords. A concurrent
> second
> |     > touch just changes the R values even more, but we get no info about
> whether
> |     > we touched a second point or we moved the finger. So what you
> suggest is a
> |     > gesture recognition. Things become nasty because even the
> "geometric middle"
> |     > isn't true but depends on pressure of one to pressure of other
> touchpoint
> |     > etc.
> |     > You really get too few info out of the device to do anything
> reasonable with
> |     > it beyond singletouch (at least that's the way it is now. I plan to
> see
> |     > whether we can exploit dynamic pulse response of this design to get
> some
> |     > additional info. Same way you're testing cat5-cable for breaks.
> Don't hold
> |     > your breath though, chances are bad. And it's not on top of my
> todo-list)
> |     >
> |     > cheers
> |     > jOERG
> |     >
> |     > _______________________________________________
> |     > Openmoko community mailing list
> |     > <>
> |     >
> |     >
> |     >
> |
> |     Two-finger input with a standard touch screen
> |
> |
> |     This paper introduces a method to detect two fingers using a
> |     "standard" touch screen. I haven't ready it deeply so I can not say
> is
> |     it applicable on OpenMoko platform , but I think it is worth to
> study.
> |
> |     _______________________________________________
> |     Openmoko community mailing list
> | <>
> |
> |
> |
> |
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