
You are assuming that neo customers follow a 1st order model.  2nd order
would be +10x -5x +3x -1 sinc function.

On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 10:34 -0700, steve wrote:
> well I am a big fan of the wisdom of crowds. 
> I am a big fan of the army of davids
> That said, I also understand the limitations of these methods.
> My method is brutally numeric. this is my training. You begin with a
> demand forecast. Lets say “X per week.”
> actually, it’s more sophisticated than that since products go through
> an initial SURGE and then they settle into
> a regular run rate. For example. at launch you might see  10X units
> per week for 1-3 weeks, and then it would 
> taper off to 5X, 3X, 1X.  Engineers here will recognize this response
> function. response to a impulse.
> basically I track the data on weekly basis and use that to guess  the
> entire demand curve. more data equals better estimate.
> When a product hits the run rate ( linear) part of the demand curve,
> then a monkey can do the math. hey boss I sold 1 million
> last month. I bet  I’ll sell a million next month!” thanks monkey.
> here’s a banana.
> The big risk is the guessing the intitial impulse. make sense? 
> The other thing that everybody misses is the markets they don’t know
> about.
> I have a forecast for Linux Mobile developers. Call that number X.
> Then I get a call from University XYZ. they want Neo.
> Then I get a call from medical company PDQ. they want Neos.
> and the list goes on. adjust demand curves.
> So the crowd guessed 4000 GTA01? for linux developers only?
> pretty damn close. But supply constraints biased  the result.
> ______________________________________________________________________
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of JW
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 6:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: Wisdom of crowds - the update
> hi steve & community
> once upon a time a long, long time ago tim kersten set up a site to
> track "the wisdom of crowds" [1] with regard to the question "how many
> freerunners will FIC sell in the first two months"
> the answer can be seen here (click the stats tab)
> and is remarkably consistent at a
> median value of 4000 after over 1000 people voted.    In fact this
> number has stayed very close to 4000 since the low hundreds of votes.
> so are you going to ask the webshop/pulster/trisoft/whoever to keep
> track of the real number for you?  .....after all, if it turns out to
> be accurate you can use this method for planning your next product!
> and are you going to tell us how accurate it was :-) ?
> actually the rules for the "wisdom of a crowd" to be accurate demand
> that each guess is independent..... and here we have a little
> pollution in that it is possible for you to see others votes before
> you vote yourself (although many will not have bothered)
> anyway.... it gave us something to do while you folks were busy making
> phones....
> i reckon it saved at least 12 useless messages to list by frustrated
> geeks......  (and oops  created only 9 more....)
> actually next time we could always use it to guess the release date
> for son of freerunner ....
> jw
> [1]
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