Op Sunday 08 June 2008 14:25:35 schreef Carsten Haitzler:
> On Sun, 8 Jun 2008 09:02:03 +0200 "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller"
> babbled:
> > > but there is definitely a "i want as insane a dpi as i can get"
> > > group here.
> > > this is for sure. the question is - is it really the majority of
> > > users. :)
> >
> > Hm. You can't answer that before defining who "the user" is (choose
> > between: me, you, this community, worldwide population)?
> > Discussing the QVGA vs. VGA vs. new CPU question before answering the
> > above question can't find an end...
> >
> > BTW: If we go to the level "There appears to be a small 'i want as
> > insane cheap display i can get' group here.", this will become
> > opinion bashing because it shows up different personal targets.
> > Marketing science has invented the concept of "target groups"
> > and plurality in product offerings to cover that problem. And the role
> > of a "Product Manager" to balance and decide that (I have
> > done such a job for 10 years).
> i am sure it has - but given that the target group is not well defined - i
> have yet to see a definition, nor see any research or statistics, nor
> anything else concrete - it is all conjecture.
> we could just not ever even ask you guys and you get what you are given.
> too bad. no input at all. i've opened up the floor for input - but i'm
> trying to dig specific things out of it - not things that smell of"i just
> want higher specs". or keeping up with the joneses. i want real use case
> scenarios that make real sense. :)

I think I've got a real use case scenario. I don't have extraordinarily 
eye-sight. In fact, with two eyes combined I've got just under 10/10 with 
quite strong glasses. (Not good enough to become a commercial pilot.)

I've don a little test with my current smartphone. It has a 2.8 inch qvga 
display. I've also searched for the smallest, comfortably readable printed 
text. I found it on the back of my first pda. It's the text "tested to comply 
with....". Than I've opened word mobile on my current smartphone and typed a 
little text. I made it as small as the printed text on the back of my oldest 
pda. The text in word wasn't readable anymore. It was reduced to a random 
bunch of black and white pixels.

Also watching pictures on the qvga screen isn't such a pleasure, but I've 
never had "trouble" watching movies. Another reason why I'm happy watching 
qvga movies is because they are much smaller for your phone's memory.

Conclusion: I'm certainly a big VGA proponent. Especially when browsing the 
internet and watching pictures.

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