Am Freitag, 13. Juni 2008 schrieb Alexey Feldgendler:
> > By default you just download the headers without having to get the text
> > of every message,
> You can do that with IMAP, which is the modern protocol for accessing your  
> mail.

You can receive only the headers on the IMAP server???

We're NOT talking about downloading only the headers from
the IMAP server to a client machine, right? If the email is
on the IMAP server, it's already too late: you've got the email
(with an impact to your quota) and you have to get rid of it.
(if you don't like it). If I don't want to delete it manually:
How does it work?
(I also don't want to delete email after a predefined time period!)

But eMail is definitely more common than news,
and to reach "masses" you better use a mailing list.
Is it possible to have both ways at once?

        Martin Bernreuther
Martin Bernreuther      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Openmoko community mailing list

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