Am Mo  16. Juni 2008 schrieb Al Johnson:
> On Sunday 15 June 2008, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> > Am Sa  14. Juni 2008 schrieb steve:
> > > A big percentage of requests I get are for this, however, they always
> > > want some hardware twist.
> >
> > They don't exactly know our hw, I guess (e.g it's not commonly known we
> > have a low-voltage-RS232, I2C, and separate power feed on internal
> > debug-con / testpoints). Also some mods on hw are quite easy to 
> > either for us or for them.
> > I suggest, you forward their requests to me, and I'll have a look at it 
> > see what's feasible EE-side with reasonable effort/cost.
> > Would be a pity to send them away, just because we didn't check what we 
> > do for them, no?
> >
> > cheers
> > jOERG
> Is there any documentation available for these interfaces? They may be a 
> alternative to USB for adding extra buttons, sensors or whatever in 
> alternative cases.

The debugcon should be kinda documented in the wiki IIRC. Most of the 
testpoints are "documented" right on the board by a printing. But no, I don't 
think there is a complete comprehensive doc yet.
Maybe if I really don't know how to kill my time eventually... ;-) Anyway 
you're wellcome to ask. I'm not allowed to publish schematics, but I shall 
answer _every_ reasonable question regarding hardware.


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