Am 24.06.2008 um 19:07 schrieb arne anka:

>> Sorry, nobody wants this on a smartphone.
> the replies to the op suggest otherwise.
Wisdom of the masses.
> if everything zimbra wants is a sufficient number of votes and they  
> do the
> porting themselves -- why not? it broadens the number of available
> applications and thus the choice.
> and choice is a large part of what makes foos so appealing, imho ...

Should'nt Openmoko have a mail client and PIM with sync for everyone  
anyways? Before someone wastes time on a j2me solution for one single  
There is not much choice right now.

>> And you have seen that they are talking about J2ME?
> yes. why not? if they do ports for several platforms they hardly  
> will do
> it with every single language/toolkit any platform supports, but see  
> to
> minimizing the costs.
> and btw: j2me will allow a lot of already existing applications to be
> avalibale on the om as well ...

Yea, and they are all crap.
Thats at best a workaround for existing apps. Clearly not a solution  
for base apps.

What they are offering is some locked in solution for some retarded  
symbian phones.

I'm with you. We need a J2ME runtime, just for compatibility reasons.  
But not to give us a great PIM package.

> if you don't like it, don't use it. freedom of choice, see above.

Im just trying to talk sense in you all.

If Zimbra want's to do someting usefull they should offer a SyncML  
interface or some half decent conctacts sync protocol.


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