I'm sure your crap analysis holds great weight in the constitutional
law community. Take it elsewhere, please.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 9:52 AM, Kevin Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Supreme Court made a ruling today on the Heller versus DC case and
> affirmed for the first time since 1791 when the second amendement
> passed - the right to own guns is an INDIVIDUAL right of all
> Americans. Of course, it wasn't super special, since it did make it
> clear that some prohibition is acceptable. :(
> The scary part... The ruling was 5-4. The second amendement, which
> says pretty damn clearly "shall not be infringed" was interpreted by 5
> people (who beat 4) as meaning "can be infringed, as long as it's not
> totally infringed". Once more vote for "No" and the second amendment
> would have been abolished.

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