Robert Schuster wrote:
> Hi,
> you know we already have B.A.T.M.A.N in OpenEmbedded but now I gave good
> old OLSRD a try too.
> I added a recipe for the latest release 0.5.5 and tested it on the
> device. It is working nicely along with the ar6000 being in ad-hoc mode
> (the preferred mode for mesh networks ;) ). No luck with 0.5.3 though -
> it crashes when I want to view the page generated by the httpinfo plugin.
> I wanted to do some NATting between the wifi interface and the usbnet
> connection (effectively making my desktop computer an internet gateway
> for the Berlin Freifunk community).
> However this was impossible since OpenMoko does not provide the iptables
> package (you can get the kernel modules but not the userspace
> application). You can build it on your own and then everything is fine
> though.
> There are also some minor issues with the wifi driver. I reported
> this[0] a while ago already.
> I am already happy but I would be so even more if:
>  - olsrd version preference could be set to 0.5.5
>  - iptables could be installed directly via opkg
> The FreeRunner as a wifi mesh-node is a nice use case for the time after
> being a mobile phone. It would be one of the very few nodes that have a
> screen attached. :)
> I would like to offer screen shots but there is nothing spectacular to
> see on them. But perhaps you like some console output instead:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# iwconfig eth0
> eth0      AR6000 802.11g  ESSID:""
>           Mode:Ad-Hoc  Frequency:2.457 GHz  Cell: 02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE
>           Bit Rate=1 Mb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm   Sensitivity=0/3
>           Retry:on
>           Encryption key:off
>           Power Management:off
>           Link Quality:168/94  Signal level:-183 dBm  Noise level:-96 dBm
>           Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
>           Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0
> (A fixed BSSID of '02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE' is what we use in Berlin to
> overcome some problems with ad-hoc mode specification.)
> Starting the daemon:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# /etc/init.d/olsrd start
> Starting OLSR routing protocol daemon:
>  *** - 0.5.5 ***
>  Build date: 2008-06-26 23:09:18 on linkist
> Parsing file: "/etc/olsrd.conf"
> - 0.5.5 detaching from the current process...
> done.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# pidof olsrd
> 4479
> Pinging a node that is a few hops away:
> PING ( 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=62 time=89.001 ms
> 64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=62 time=45.555 ms
> --- ping statistics ---
> 4 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 50% packet loss
> round-trip min/avg/max = 45.555/67.278/89.001 ms
> Traceroute to it:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# traceroute
> traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
>  1 (  15.096 ms  29.789 ms  12.770 ms
>  2 (  12.536 ms  11.377 ms  10.147 ms
>  3 (  25.497 ms  51.212 ms  51.228 ms
> Actually I could find something that may show I am really using this on
> the Neo. I attached is httpinfo plugin generated webpage showing my
> configuration. There are few devices where eth0 is a wifi card. :D
> If you are interested I also attached by olsrd.conf. You need to have
> olsrd-plugin-httpinfo, olsrd-plugin-nameservice (didn't work as
> expected) and olsrd-plugin-dyngw installed besides the daemon.
> Regards
> Robert
> [0] -

Nice enough!
I really like mesh networking protocols work on Neos.
Maybe I'll try to run Netsukuku.
OK first I have to buy one.

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