On Fri, 2008-06-27 at 17:27 +0200, Francesco Cat wrote:
> I must have missed something... Can you post some links to explain
> what are the future plans for the Software Stack? Will GTK not be
> present any more?

Basically Openmoko has stopped the development of the GTK stack in order
to start a new stack called ASU. There are some 10.000 developers for
GTK who can start any time making software for the Neo while there are
very few developers for ASU, maybe 50. ASU is only used on the Neo
whereas your GTK apps will run on the desktop or on the new MID devices
like the ASUS eeePC right out of the box. Naturally for an open source
developer it is a difference if the software will run on some hundred
Neos or on some million PCs and MIDs.

The GTK stack simply needs maintainance and bugfixing to remain a
perfect platform for future developments.

A really nice thing about the current GTK stack is the abilily to work
in portrait and landscape mode just the same. It is just a lot of fun to
automatically turn your screen while turning the phone in your hands.

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