Marco Trevisan (Treviño) skrev:
Alexander Frøyseth wrote:
you meen 369 USD ?

Well, yes but he's including also 2 years of warranty and extra goodies.

Well it isent my call, but I the the group leader will agree with me on this.

If you're in Europe, I think that buying from USA isn't so cheap since there are high import taxes and you don't have any warranty.

No import tax, or any other taxes :)

And the shipping from US to Norway cost for all ten the same as the extra on two phones ;) We have paid 2500 NOK (about 488USD) for each mobile (this include shipping and some stupid tax (25%) that is on every thing we buy, even non import gods).

The math says it cheaper.
And about the warranty, I think its going to be okey ;)
And as I said, its not my call.

Alexander Frøyseth
Openmoko community mailing list

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