I don't think its the wiki software that is the problem.

Its the ad-hoc management method of everybody editing and no one doing 
QA to insure old stuff is thrown out or clearly marked,  consistent 
format,   new  pages in the right place,  appropriate links to and from 
the document, etc....

There has to be some kind of control to enforce a standard,  I'm a 
libertarian at heart but the free-for-all method used now falls apart 
when you have multiple projects(1973, FreeRunner, etc) and hundreds of 

I think OpenMoko stands to gain the most from teh effort and should step 
up to the plate to provide a WikiBoss that can provide the standard, 
organize volunteers to police  "their" areas of expertise. 

Unless this of some other kind of oversight is done any new wiki will 
degenerate into the state of the current wiki in short order.


Curtis Vaughan wrote:
> Since Ken really liked OpenWRT's Wiki, I looked at it and see they use 
> MoinMoin. So, I am willing to set up MoinMoin on a server to be used as 
> an FR community wiki. 
> If people think it's a good idea then I will set up a website for it and 
> register it. Perhaps something like mokofanbox.org or whatever. I don't 
> really care. I can register it and I will make it available to whomever 
> can administer it. Jay seems to be willing. 
> Anyhow, if that's what will help us out then just give me the green light 
> and I'll do that much. If it works out - Great!
> Curtis
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