On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 15:02, arne anka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - flashing uImage and rootImage are equivalent to doing opkg update &&
> opkg upgrade, but flashing rewrites the whole fs, so everything modified
> is lost

How did you execute opkg upgrade ?

It failed for me
opkg update was ok but then upgrade ran until my ssh connection was dropped.
Tried again from FR terminal, and it ran until something like X was restarted.

it is the same as in this other post in dev list :

"opkg issues. best way to run opkg"
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 04:20, Yohann (YC) Coppel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just received the FR, and I try to update it using opkg.
> Ok, but then, if I still try to run opkg upgrade, it runs, download a
> lot of things, and start upgrading.
> The problem is that if I run the command by ssh, the connection is cut
> during the process:
> Restarting Dropbear SSH server: Connection to closed by
> remote host.
> .... and the upgrade is probably stopped as well.
> And if I run it from the terminal on the FR, the upgrade is stopped
> when X restarts at some point during the process.
> So, how should I run it ? (there are a lot of packages to be updated,
> running the command one package at a time is excluded)

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