Yes, I'm using the full body shield and I really like it.  It was 
somewhat difficult to apply but worth it.  You don't need to take apart 
the FR and it comes with some spray that makes it so you can make little 
adjustments to the position of the shield directly after application.  
It is a little more reflective than the LCD was without it, but quite 

Søren Kristiansen wrote:
> Hello
> As the subject says, has anyone tried the invisibleSHIELD on the 
> freerunner? I'm still waiting for my freerunner but I'd like some sort 
> of protection for it once it arrives.
> How "invisible" is it? I've watched a lot of videos on youtube and on 
> zagg's homepage and it looks like the shield adds a lot of reflection 
> to the device.
> Is it easy to install on the freerunner? Do you have to open the 
> freerunner to add, eg. the screen protection? How does the body cover 
> fit on the "round edges" on the freerunner?
> If anyone didn't know, it's available on zagg's homepage here: 
> Thanks :-)
> -- 
> Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
> Søren H. Kristiansen
> Stud. polyt., Software Engineering, University of Aalborg, Denmark
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