Robert Schuster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to encourage you and the other people from Taiwan to get into
> contact with OpenMoko staff. Maybe write to Mickey Lauer, Sean
> Moss-Pultz or Steve Mosher directly and tell them your problem. They
> post messages to these lists, too.
> Perhaps you could also open a bugzilla ticket. :)

thanks for the encouraging insights. 

I'm guessing that the OpenMoko management staff have their hands full with
logistical issues what with the new release of the FreeRunner. 
Direct email might be a bit invasive. 

I've actaully tried calling them, but their phone system is broken or something.
 It says I should dial 9 for operator, but then it just hangs up. :(

I figured when they have time they will read this mailing list and hopefully, if
possible, act upon our comments. 


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