> > I've spent a great deal of time messing with WIFI also.  Once I get  
> > some
> > more experience with the OM platform, I might contribute to
> > building a gui network manager.
> I really believe that a lot of the common system administration-type  
> tasks - such as setting up WLAN, setting up GPRS routing, etc. - can  
> and should be wrapped up in very easy-to-write tools with a GUI.  For  
> example, the SettingsGUI progress was awesome, maybe because its  
> python-based, and perhaps we all should be looking to extend this app  
> to include the more detailed admin procedures?

Thanks Jay!

Actually I am integrating mofi panel after John Beaven contected me:

SettingsGUI still has to be ported to GTA02 and the FSO image. This is
what I'll be doing here during the next days.

If anyone wants to try it out and give feedback, see the SVN repository
at our neo1973-germany trac:

Greetings from Berlin
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