On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 14:11:10 -0400
"Charles Pax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just saw this post on Digg:
> http://digg.com/software/Read_Faster_Way_Faster_No_really_I_mean_WAY_faster
> There is a web application that flashed individual words from a body
> of text you input. Is anyone interested in an app like this on
> Openmoko?
> The app: http://www.spreeder.com/

I actually made something similar a month or two ago, although
admittedly it's not as pretty and refined:  http://jefftickle.com/spead/

I had planned on starting a project for this on the OM, although the
real world has me tied up all this week.


Jeff Tickle - 828-262-7123
Operations and Systems Analyst
Electronic Student Services
Appalachian State University


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