On Wednesday 30 July 2008, Lynn Nguyen wrote:
> Hi all!
> Well, I'm a little new to this (as I'm sure everybody says when they are
> posting for the first time), but I was wondering, how can I free up space
> on the neo? Are there any packages that are not necessary? I somehow find
> myself using up 99% of space after doing an 'upgrade'. I would like to
> install a bunch of python modules to run pyroute (has anyone has any luck
> with that so far?) but I keep running out of space. When I try installing
> the modules onto an sd card, I run out of space there as well. Do python
> modules normally take up over 400mb of space? Any help would be greatly
> appreciated!

I've not tried pyroute yet. I've done the opkg upgrade several times and have 
a number of python packages installed, but I'm nowhere near 99% used. I 
suspect something else may have been eating into your space, but you only 
became aware of it after the opkg upgrade. 

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                  252544     86420    166124  34% /
/dev/root               252544     86420    166124  34% /
tmpfs                       40         0        40   0% /mnt/.exquisite
/dev/root               252544     86420    166124  34% /dev/.static/dev
udev                      2048        72      1976   4% /dev
/dev/mmcblk0p1          495168    123296    371872  25% /media/card
tmpfs                    63108       300     62808   0% /var/volatile
tmpfs                    63108        48     63060   0% /dev/shm
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# opkg list_installed |grep python
libpython2.5-1.0 - 2.5.2-ml4 -
python-codecs - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-core - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-dbus - 0.82.4-ml4 -
python-fcntl - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-io - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-lang - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-logging - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-math - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-pickle - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-pycairo - 1.4.0-ml1 -
python-pygobject - 2.14.2-r0 -
python-pygtk - 2.10.4-ml8 -
python-pyserial - 2.2-r2 -
python-re - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-readline - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-shell - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-stringold - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-subprocess - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-threading - 2.5.2-ml0 -
python-xml - 2.5.2-ml1 -

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