Op Fri 01 August 2008 om 09:54:20 GMT wist Andy Green te vertellen:
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> | For those who understand NMEA, I'm seeing the following sequence in a
> | apparently endless loop:
> |
> | $GPRMC,,V,,,,,,,,,,N*53
> | $GPVTG,,,,,,,,,N*30
> | $GPGGA,,,,,,0,00,99.99,,,,,,*48
> | $GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,99.99,99.99,99.99*30
> | $GPGSV,1,1,00*79
> | $GPGLL,,,,,,V,N*64
> | $GPZDA,,,,,00,00*48
> |
> | For as far I can see, the internal antenna connector is seated well.
> |
> | Any ideas?
> It is indeed "nothing".  Power and comms are obviously OK to the GPS
> chip.  I would definitely suspect the antenna connection since GPS is
> meant to be 100% tested in the factory.

I'll seek into that. I'll get my screwdriver ready..

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