Hi Community and Martin (thanks to whom we have this tiddlywiki-based
wiki due to his plugins to import mediawiki content)

>   Tovarich

>, can you package this in a .ipk along with a shortcut in the main menu
>...  it by default: this is the closest thing we have to a help /
>documentation / system manual.
ok -- for now I just added a section to "Download". Indeed
some time later link within main menu might be "in place".

Prior to making it into .ipkg, I wonder if there is a way to obtain
statistics on what articles on wiki are the most popular, so I could
prepopulate that file with such popular articles. We can't fetch full
wiki.openmoko.org since it would render .html huge. 

Also, lets check with Martin (CCing him):

would it be possible to create optional prefetching of images into some
local directory and relinking appropriately in the tiddles (or better
dynamic image source path generation -- if present locally - them from
file, if not -- url)? 

This way we could indeed package 
openmoko-wiki-imgs (which would be somewhat large)
so that you could install it from the packages.

Also, due to some lack of time I am using pure qtopia image for now,
thus can't check how well this wiki looks under minimo or any other
browser present for FR. Could anyone have a look? may be layout of it
should be adjusted for more pleasant experience on our little screens

On Fri, 01 Aug 2008, Minh Ha Duong wrote:

> Le vendredi 01 août 2008, Yaroslav Halchenko a écrit :
> > it is all features of tiddlywiki ;-) everything is done on client side
> > (ie in the browser) thanks to Java Script ;-) all material (besides
> > images) is contained within that very single .html file -- that is the
> > beauty of it -- even search works ;-)

>   Tovarich, can you package this in a .ipk along with a shortcut in the main 
> menu that opens it in a brower ? Then it will be easy to lobby OM to install 
> it by default: this is the closest thing we have to a help / documentation / 
> system manual.

> Minh
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