Al Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> We only need to replace 1 of the 2 3D accels with a 3D gyro. I've not looked 
> at the size or cost of solid state gyros so I don't know how practical that 
> might be.

That's not a bad idea... I haven't looked into what accelerometers we have in
the FR, but there are plenty of MEMS gyros available; maybe one will have the
same or similar pin configuration.  I know the gyros and accelerometers made by
Analog Devices are very close to pin compatible.  Last time I checked (about a
year ago), there weren't any 3D MEMS gyros on the market.  There was one company
offering what was basically 2 2D gyros glued to each other.  I think there's
some kind of manufacturing hurdle that has to be overcome to make them 3D, so
they may not be available in a small size or integrated unit.

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