On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 5:12 AM, digger vermont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Its great to have the updates now for FSO but I've a problem with it.  I
> installed the distro-feed-configs ipk and did an opkg update.  Then opkg
> upgrade.  Unfortunately it didn't upgrade the xserver.  So I tried
> opkg install xserver-kdrive-glamo and I get
> Package xserver-kdrive-glamo (1:
> +gita51364e2f23d4b6331c5ed613ce3f7e15f8e540f-r6) installed in root is up
> to date.
> Is it named wrong? Or is there something I'm missing?
> With opkg list xserver-kdrive-glamo I get.
> xserver-kdrive-glamo - 1:
> +git4147f80c0bfedaff7749bccbd1e1d566dee0e04c-r7 - X server for glamo
> chip in the Openmoko GTA02 device
> xserver-kdrive-glamo - 1:
> +gita51364e2f23d4b6331c5ed613ce3f7e15f8e540f-r6 -
> Thanks,
> digger
> Have you followed these instructions form the wiki

"Note that running opkg upgrade on a factory-fresh phone will upgrade
dropbear (the ssh software) and various xserver packages, and neither
upgrades elegantly while in use. Xserver must be updated over ssh to
complete succesfully. Dropbear can be updated over ssh with the proper

# nohup opkg upgrade dropbear &

Or upgrade it directly in the FreeRunner terminal.

# opkg upgrade dropbear

When updating over ssh, the session will be interrupted, but the command
should complete successfully(check nohup.out on your device to verify), and
you should be able to reconnect within a few seconds.

Then connect to the FreeRunner via ssh and type:

# opkg upgrade

Recent changes to the usb ethernet support require that you install these
two modules, *before* you reboot, after updating.

# opkg install kernel-module-g-ether kernel-module-cdc-ether

And run this command :

# depmod"

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