hi Niccolo

Am Mittwoch, den 06.08.2008, 10:47 +0200 schrieb Niccolo Rigacci:
> I just wondering if it exists an applet to start/stop the GPRS 
> ppp connection (I use OM2007.2).

Not officially - though SettingsGUI has a panel for GPRS. 

> Following the guidelines of this page 
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GPRS
> I wrote a little PythonGTK applet, that is working well.
> The applet is callet PyPPP, screenshot and download here:
> http://www.rigacci.org/wiki/doku.php/doc/appunti/hardware/freerunner#connessione_internet_via_gprs

Looks nice! 

Have a look at SettingsGUI if you like - I wrote some code there to
interpret and generate pppd/peers files. It's also pygtk.

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