I was one of many volunteers that showed up to help out OpenMoko at their
two booths at LinuxWorld here in San Francisco over the past three days.

Speaking from my "officially uninformed" status, I would say that the entire
event was a huge success.  Both booths always seemed crowded -- attracting
far more people than our neighbours.  A lot of people were just learning
about the phone, while many others were well aware of the effort, and had
been anxiously watching its progression towards a device that could actually
be used on a day to day basis.
Despite the overall meagre display that the phones could manage, they made
quite a good impression amongst the attendees.  (Qtopia, 2007.2, ASU/2008.08
and FSO were all shown in parallel)
To the confusion of the booth staff, we somehow ended up with two Neo
Freerunners in Neo 1973 cases -- so those who see pictures from the show,
don't be fooled by the case, they were Freerunners.

The people interested in the phone seemed to cover all demographics one
would expect to find at LinuxWorld (a few I didn't expect to find), and the
far majority had a bit of enthusiasm once they realised just what a open
phone can do.  People from various news websites were often around, and
there are even some articles already up:
The PC Magazine one even shows my phone's IMEI (yay, hehe), and the GPS
hardware fix -- which was done before I recieved the phone.

I myself managed to meet quite a few interesting people, including fellow
local users trying to form a San Francisco users' group:

With any luck, there will be quite a few new faces around to further help
with development, and bring the software platform up to par with the
feature-rich hardware platform.  It seemed to me that a lot of the "right"
people had their interest piqued, so let's just hope they have $400 burning
a whole in their pocket, and spare time to-boot.

Jeffrey Malone
Openmoko community mailing list

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