Regarding the xserver update, I was able to get it to load by  
unloading (remove) and then loading it (install). After the remove,  
opkg pickd up the newer version without use of force options.


On Aug 6, 2008, at 2:14 AM, Sven Klomp wrote:

> On Wednesday 06 August 2008 11:00:41 Eildert Groeneveld wrote:
>> After trying FSO and installing distro-feed-configs_1.0-r0_om- 
>> gta02.ipk
>> I did a opkg update and upgrade, without any effect.
>> When looking at  /framework/milestone2/updates/om-gta02 : no  
>> wonder, it is
>> empty.
> At the moment there is only an update for the xserver (updates/ 
> armv4t/).
> However, the update will not work since opkg uses the git hash as  
> version
> number. The hash of the old package is "higher". Therfore, opkg  
> assumes it is
> up to date..
> Sven
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