On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 02:09:23PM +0200, Rorschach wrote:
> Hi,
> in every menu I have at the bottom of the screen three + and left a * sign. I 
> can't find out any funcionality with these things? What is their puprose?

I was wondering the same thing. These pluses seem particularly meaningless atop
a dark app.

The bottom left seems to indicate your position inside a nested menu; this much
I like.

I liked the qtopia menu system. The bottom right button was always a back button
(so you could always have some exit) and the left button was always a menu.
I knew how to use every app I ever came across without thinking twice because it
became second nature to me.

I'm still yet to understand how to exit an application on the 2008.8 that
doesn't itself provide an out.

Stephen Shelton

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