Hi all,
First of all I also have to say great job with 2008.08. I like it a lot.

Then the normal keyboard rant. I don't mind the predictive keyboard at 
all. As long as 1) I can add languages 2) can choose the word I actually 

When the predictive kb is on,  and I type in english I really like it. 
Yesterday at the bar when friends were taynting "ooh let's see if you 
manage to write an sms with openmoko", I whipped out the freerunner, and 
had a message written in english before the othe guys had their phones 
out of the pocket. And this was with accuracy - (beer * 4). But when 
they asked to write something in finnish, I said "ooh, who's ready for 
anothe beer" and deftly hid the freerunner.

> With this crazy «dictionary-thing» I'm not able to write a message in (Swiss) 
> German or any other language than English. Even a simple «Hallo» ends up 
> in «Hello». And as long I'm not able to write a word that is not in the 
> dictionary it's pretty useless for me. There are also keys missing to make it 
> usable for the terminal.
> I think I am talking for a lot of people who want to have a _nice and usable_ 
> keyboard - for any language and any app.
> The keyboard has to be finger friendly and not too small. It should contain 
> all usual letters and special characters. 
> I made a little mockup (it's no design masterpiece... ;-)) of a keyboard. I 
> think something in this direction would be really cool:

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